This course is designed to improve your skills and achieve excellence in fetal diagnosis and management of congenital heart defects (CHD), and in morphological and functional evaluation of the fetal heart. Through a comprehensive approach, spanning from pathophysiology to detailed imaging, acquisition of knowledge is achieved through intensive exposure to a large number of real cases, representing all possible conditions and situations found in a fetal cardiology unit. Thus, this program offers a chance to learn from experts how to best perform advanced fetal echocardiography, while progressively increasing understanding on all relevant CHD and their most common variations.
This course is designed to improve your skills and achieve excellence in the fetal diagnosis and management of congenital heart defects, as well as in the morphological and functional evaluation of the fetal heart. Through a comprehensive approach, from pathophysiology to detailed imaging, knowledge acquisition is achieved through intensive exposure to numerous real cases, representing all possible conditions and situations.
Language: Spanish
This course is designed to improve your skills and achieve excellence in fetal diagnosis and management of congenital heart defects (CHD), and in morphological and functional evaluation of the fetal heart.
Through a comprehensive approach, spanning from pathophysiology to detailed imaging, acquisition of knowledge is achieved through intensive exposure to a large number of real cases, representing all possible conditions and situations found in a fetal cardiology unit.
Thus, this program offers a chance to learn from experts how to best perform advanced fetal echocardiography, while progressively increasing understanding on all relevant CHD and their most common variations.
An important section is dedicated to advanced assessment and management of fetal cardiac arrhythmias. Finally, you will become familiar with the possibility of fetal therapy for CDH and will acquire full advanced training in evaluation of fetal cardiac function and cardiac adaptation in non-cardiac fetal anomalies.
With a strong focus in clinical decision-making, our masterclasses and face-to-face onsite week in Barcelona are designed to complement specific skills in performance of high-quality echocardiography and evaluation of prognosis, with expertise in multidisciplinary interaction and parental counseling.
Thus, our interactive program provides ample opportunities to take part in open discussions via forum, sharing your own cases with experts in the field, and attending virtual masterclasses.
Two onsite weeks in Barcelona will enable close interaction with our experts and practical sessions regarding new technologies. This unique academic program, endorsed by the University of Barcelona, addresses the rapidly growing demand for subspecialists with an in-depth knowledge on Fetal Cardiology.
Fetal Medicine specialists and ultrasound professionals with experience in fetal echocardiography, who wish to improve their understanding and clinical skills by performing advanced Fetal Cardiology training.
To enable participants to perform expert diagnosis and counseling of prenatal heart anomalies by in-depth knowledge of fetal cardiac physiology.
Course Details
From April 14th,2025 to April 30th, 2026
Fetal i + D Education Barcelona and Fetal Medicine Barcelona
Olga Gómez
Fàtima Crispi
Josep Mª Martínez
Francesc Figueras
Eduard Gratacós
The onsite part of the course will take place in Barcelona.
Price: 12.250,00 €
Once the application is accepted, a payment of 2.250,00 € must be made maximum 10 days after receiving confirmation the place has been reserved. This amount will not be refunded in case of cancellation.
During the following five months after paying the registration fee, monthly payments of 2.000,00 € must be made.
After December, 2024, these payments will be non-refundable, except for major causes that must be justified with the corresponding documentation.
Teaching structure
The Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology comprises 10 theoretical-practical modules, including the basics on prenatal cardiac imaging, advanced knowledge on CHD and arrhythmias, and understanding of fetal cardiac function and therapy.
It offers advanced training through an online interactive platform, combining theoretical and practice sessions based on clinical cases, together with interactive masterclasses with recognized experts of Fetal Cardiology.
Additionally, online practice training, two onsite weeks and a research project will help consolidate expertise acquired online.
Each online module includes theoretical lectures based on clinical cases, an interactive forum, and a live masterclass with an expert, that guarantees close interaction with teachers and resolution of questions. Each module will be complemented with preparation of a practical clinical case –including diagnosis, prognosis and parental counseling- and review of literature on that particular topic. Each module will be evaluated by an online test and by examination of selected images provided by the participants.
Practical module: Advanced fetal echocardiography
The practice part of this specialization course is designed for students to acquire the necessary skills to perform an advanced fetal echocardiography, including a complete morphometric and functional evaluation of the fetal heart.
In order to achieve a high standard in acquisition of fetal cardiac ultrasound, more than 70 images and echocardiographic measurements have been carefully selected by the faculty.
Participants will receive a practice manual to guide them in acquisition of images and performance of measurements. In addition, during the onsite week at our center, students will have the opportunity to participate in two “hands-on” workshops with real patients, with close supervision by the postgraduate directors, enabling to learn tips and tricks, for optimal acquisition.
To complete the practice part, students will have to send the required images and measurements from three different real fetuses. These images will be evaluated and scored by the Academic Committee, and the students will receive personalized feedback that will allow them to improve their skills. This highly demanding practice module will allow participants to acquire sufficient skill to be able to perform an advanced fetal echocardiography in their daily clinical practice.
This part of the course is designed for the student to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in different modules. For this, in each module the student will need to solve clinical cases in different scenarios, including differential diagnoses, establishing a study protocol, and follow-up planning for each case, taking into consideration prognostic evaluation.
The high degree of expertise of the faculty team will guide participants through cases of different complexity. This novel and dynamic part of the course will allow to acquire the tools for performing an exhaustive and systematic evaluation of most congenital heart defects from a practical management point of view.
Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology includes an online forum using a Moodle platform to enable interaction among attendees and faculty. The forum will be supervised by the scientific coordinator of the course, who will ensure that discussions are dynamic, and with ad hoc participation of the directors of each module, to clarify unresolved matters. It will be available to students at the beginning of each module, creating a space to share questions, and discuss specific topics.
At the end of the specialization, participants will be requested to submit 5 cases of congenital heart defects that they have diagnosed and managed in their respective workplaces.
Cases must be well documented and detailed. The diagnosis must be justified by showing specific key-points for the cardiac defect. In addition, complementary tests performed and a summary of antenatal counseling and recommendations regarding pregnancy, must be also described.
The on-site stay consists of two weeks in Barcelona. A visit to the Fetal Cardiology Unit of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in BCNatal (Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Barcelona) will be included.
These weeks will be scheduled from March 9th to 20th of 2025, to expand and consolidate knowledge, facilitate interaction with tutors, faculty members and colleagues, and improve understanding on novel or more advanced techniques.
During those period, participants will have the opportunity to meet the faculty, and their tutors. Onsite stay will include the following activities:
The Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology training includes completion of a research project that will be evaluated by the Academic Committee. The research project usually includes critical literature review on a specific topic, that can be complemented by original data from the student’s institution.
The research project is conducted personally by the student, under guidance and supervision of a tutor. The topic is chosen, and planning is carried out by means of online meetings with the tutor. The final research project defense will take place during the onsite week.
The number of places for this course is limited. To apply, it is necessary to fill out the pre-registration form within the established period.
Warning: Note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
CV (3/10): research and teaching experience, and professional achievements.
Motivational letter (2/10).
Country of origin (2/10): applications from countries with less than 3 other candidates will be awarded 2 extra points, for distributive purposes.
Publications in indexed journals with impact factor and communications at national or international congresses (1/10).
Selected applicants will receive an email indicating that they have been accepted with the necessary information to start the registration process.
We recommend you to read previously the information available on our website in the section “to take into account before preregistration”.
Applicants not admitted will receive an email indicating that their application has not been accepted.
Pre-registration requires a commitment to accomplish the planned educational activities to pass the course, including the evaluations and the submission of images and clinical cases in each module within the established deadlines (including a recovery period). Thus, we request that you do not submit your pre-registration application if you are not sure that you can accomplish the course requirements, either because you are not able to attend the presential part, or meet the deadlines for the submission of images, exams, payments, etc.
In the case of abandoning the course, the applicant must present a letter to the course coordinator, requesting the cancellation of his/her registration. The registration fee will not be refunded.
In order to validate a degree certificate awarded by a university or centre of higher education abroad, it is necessary to carry out specific procedures to verify the existence of the institution that issued the degree and the studies that have been completed, with the legalization of foreign documents.
1) Students with university studies in Spain:
* photocopy of ID/Passport.
* photocopy of the official Degree certificate in Medicine and Surgery
* responsible statement of veracity of documents completed and signed by you.
2) Students with university studies outside Spain:
Option 1:
• photocopy of ID/Passport.
• photocopy of degree approved in Spain by the Ministry of Education.
• responsible statement of veracity of documents completed and signed by you.
Option 2:
• photocopy of ID/Passport.
• photocopy of the official Degree certificate in Medicine and Surgery
• photocopy of academic record (academic certification of the studies of Medicine and Surgery, issued by the university where they have taken place and containing the official duration in academic years, the curriculum followed, the subjects taken and the hourly load or credits of each of them)
• rector application completed and signed by you.
• responsible statement of veracity of documents completed and signed by you.
If the documents are issued in a language other than Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian, French or Portuguese, photocopy of the official translation into Catalan or Spanish.
Official translations can be done:
• By a sowrn translator/interpreter, duly authorized or registered in Spain.
• For any diplomatic representation or consultation of the Spanish State.
Document to be downloaded in case you are selected
* What is a university-specific degree?
According to regulations of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), most European universities offer university-specific degrees. In Spain, according to article 2(g) of the Organic Law on Universities [Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades], the government allows Spanish universities to independently issue university-specific diplomas and degrees. This enables the University to add to the official training it offers, these so-called university-specific degree.
University-specific degrees are specialized courses with various names (master’s degree, postgraduate degree, etc.). They are designed to flexibly meet the needs that arise in the job market and society, so they are aimed at achieving objectives such as:
Therefore, the Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology is an official University-specific degree, issued by the University of Barcelona through its institute for continuous education (IL3). This degree certifies that the participant has received specialized training in fetal cardiology.
What is the difference between university-specific degrees and official degrees from universities?
The main difference between the two is that official degrees require a series of procedures and assessments by different public bodies such as the National Agency for the Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA), which are necessary in order to grant a PhD, while University-specific degrees do not need to be validated by institutions such as ANECA.
What validity does a university-specific degree have outside of Spain?
A university-specific degree has the same validity inside or outside of Spain, since it is a curricular degree for unregulated studies, approved by university boards under the Organic Law on Universities, which credits the student’s continuing education.
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) qualifies a program as a Postgraduate Degree when the required workload to achieve the learning objectives is >30 ECTS.
The ECTS credits are used and accepted effectively by all European universities, and also by many other institutions around the world.
What is not a university-specific degree?
Things to take into account before pre-registration
In order to validate a degree certificate awarded by a university or center of higher education abroad, it is necessary to carry out specific procedures to verify the existence of the institution that issued the degree, and studies that have been completed, with legalization or apostille of foreign documents.
Information on legalization or apostille procedures should be obtained from the university at which previous studies were completed, consular services from the country of issue, or the competent authority in each case. For more information, also access the webpage of the University of Barcelona:
If you need to contact us, you can:
This course is designed to improve your skills and achieve excellence in fetal diagnosis and management of congenital heart defects (CHD), and in morphological and functional evaluation of the fetal heart.
Through a comprehensive approach, spanning from pathophysiology to detailed imaging, acquisition of knowledge is achieved through intensive exposure to a large number of real cases, representing all possible conditions and situations found in a fetal cardiology unit.
Thus, this program offers a chance to learn from experts how to best perform advanced fetal echocardiography, while progressively increasing understanding on all relevant CHD and their most common variations.
An important section is dedicated to advanced assessment and management of fetal cardiac arrhythmias. Finally, you will become familiar with the possibility of fetal therapy for CDH and will acquire full advanced training in evaluation of fetal cardiac function and cardiac adaptation in non-cardiac fetal anomalies.
With a strong focus in clinical decision-making, our masterclasses and face-to-face onsite week in Barcelona are designed to complement specific skills in performance of high-quality echocardiography and evaluation of prognosis, with expertise in multidisciplinary interaction and parental counseling.
Thus, our interactive program provides ample opportunities to take part in open discussions via forum, sharing your own cases with experts in the field, and attending virtual masterclasses.
Two onsite weeks in Barcelona will enable close interaction with our experts and practical sessions regarding new technologies. This unique academic program, endorsed by the University of Barcelona, addresses the rapidly growing demand for subspecialists with an in-depth knowledge on Fetal Cardiology.
Fetal Medicine specialists and ultrasound professionals with experience in fetal echocardiography, who wish to improve their understanding and clinical skills by performing advanced Fetal Cardiology training.
To enable participants to perform expert diagnosis and counseling of prenatal heart anomalies by in-depth knowledge of fetal cardiac physiology.
From April 14th,2025 to April 30th, 2026
Fetal i + D Education Barcelona and Fetal Medicine Barcelona
Olga Gómez
Fàtima Crispi
Josep Mª Martínez
Francesc Figueras
Eduard Gratacós
The onsite part of the course will take place in Barcelona.
Price: 12.250,00 €
Once the application is accepted, a payment of 2.250,00 € must be made maximum 10 days after receiving confirmation the place has been reserved. This amount will not be refunded in case of cancellation.
During the following five months after paying the registration fee, monthly payments of 2.000,00 € must be made.
After December, 2024, these payments will be non-refundable, except for major causes that must be justified with the corresponding documentation.
The Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology comprises 10 theoretical-practical modules, including the basics on prenatal cardiac imaging, advanced knowledge on CHD and arrhythmias, and understanding of fetal cardiac function and therapy.
It offers advanced training through an online interactive platform, combining theoretical and practice sessions based on clinical cases, together with interactive masterclasses with recognized experts of Fetal Cardiology.
Additionally, online practice training, two onsite weeks and a research project will help consolidate expertise acquired online.
Each online module includes theoretical lectures based on clinical cases, an interactive forum, and a live masterclass with an expert, that guarantees close interaction with teachers and resolution of questions. Each module will be complemented with preparation of a practical clinical case –including diagnosis, prognosis and parental counseling- and review of literature on that particular topic. Each module will be evaluated by an online test and by examination of selected images provided by the participants.
Practical module: Advanced fetal echocardiography
The practice part of this specialization course is designed for students to acquire the necessary skills to perform an advanced fetal echocardiography, including a complete morphometric and functional evaluation of the fetal heart.
In order to achieve a high standard in acquisition of fetal cardiac ultrasound, more than 70 images and echocardiographic measurements have been carefully selected by the faculty.
Participants will receive a practice manual to guide them in acquisition of images and performance of measurements. In addition, during the onsite week at our center, students will have the opportunity to participate in two “hands-on” workshops with real patients, with close supervision by the postgraduate directors, enabling to learn tips and tricks, for optimal acquisition.
To complete the practice part, students will have to send the required images and measurements from three different real fetuses. These images will be evaluated and scored by the Academic Committee, and the students will receive personalized feedback that will allow them to improve their skills. This highly demanding practice module will allow participants to acquire sufficient skill to be able to perform an advanced fetal echocardiography in their daily clinical practice.
This part of the course is designed for the student to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in different modules. For this, in each module the student will need to solve clinical cases in different scenarios, including differential diagnoses, establishing a study protocol, and follow-up planning for each case, taking into consideration prognostic evaluation.
The high degree of expertise of the faculty team will guide participants through cases of different complexity. This novel and dynamic part of the course will allow to acquire the tools for performing an exhaustive and systematic evaluation of most congenital heart defects from a practical management point of view.
Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology includes an online forum using a Moodle platform to enable interaction among attendees and faculty. The forum will be supervised by the scientific coordinator of the course, who will ensure that discussions are dynamic, and with ad hoc participation of the directors of each module, to clarify unresolved matters. It will be available to students at the beginning of each module, creating a space to share questions, and discuss specific topics.
At the end of the specialization, participants will be requested to submit 5 cases of congenital heart defects that they have diagnosed and managed in their respective workplaces.
Cases must be well documented and detailed. The diagnosis must be justified by showing specific key-points for the cardiac defect. In addition, complementary tests performed and a summary of antenatal counseling and recommendations regarding pregnancy, must be also described.
The on-site stay consists of two weeks in Barcelona. A visit to the Fetal Cardiology Unit of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in BCNatal (Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Barcelona) will be included.
These weeks will be scheduled from March 9th to 20th of 2025, to expand and consolidate knowledge, facilitate interaction with tutors, faculty members and colleagues, and improve understanding on novel or more advanced techniques.
During those period, participants will have the opportunity to meet the faculty, and their tutors. Onsite stay will include the following activities:
The Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology training includes completion of a research project that will be evaluated by the Academic Committee. The research project usually includes critical literature review on a specific topic, that can be complemented by original data from the student’s institution.
The research project is conducted personally by the student, under guidance and supervision of a tutor. The topic is chosen, and planning is carried out by means of online meetings with the tutor. The final research project defense will take place during the onsite week.
The number of places for this course is limited. To apply, it is necessary to fill out the pre-registration form within the established period.
Warning: Note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
CV (3/10): research and teaching experience, and professional achievements.
Motivational letter (2/10).
Country of origin (2/10): applications from countries with less than 3 other candidates will be awarded 2 extra points, for distributive purposes.
Publications in indexed journals with impact factor and communications at national or international congresses (1/10).
Selected applicants will receive an email indicating that they have been accepted with the necessary information to start the registration process.
We recommend you to read previously the information available on our website in the section “to take into account before preregistration”.
Applicants not admitted will receive an email indicating that their application has not been accepted.
Pre-registration requires a commitment to accomplish the planned educational activities to pass the course, including the evaluations and the submission of images and clinical cases in each module within the established deadlines (including a recovery period). Thus, we request that you do not submit your pre-registration application if you are not sure that you can accomplish the course requirements, either because you are not able to attend the presential part, or meet the deadlines for the submission of images, exams, payments, etc.
In the case of abandoning the course, the applicant must present a letter to the course coordinator, requesting the cancellation of his/her registration. The registration fee will not be refunded.
In order to validate a degree certificate awarded by a university or centre of higher education abroad, it is necessary to carry out specific procedures to verify the existence of the institution that issued the degree and the studies that have been completed, with the legalization of foreign documents.
1) Students with university studies in Spain:
* photocopy of ID/Passport.
* photocopy of the official Degree certificate in Medicine and Surgery
* responsible statement of veracity of documents completed and signed by you.
2) Students with university studies outside Spain:
Option 1:
• photocopy of ID/Passport.
• photocopy of degree approved in Spain by the Ministry of Education.
• responsible statement of veracity of documents completed and signed by you.
Option 2:
• photocopy of ID/Passport.
• photocopy of the official Degree certificate in Medicine and Surgery
• photocopy of academic record (academic certification of the studies of Medicine and Surgery, issued by the university where they have taken place and containing the official duration in academic years, the curriculum followed, the subjects taken and the hourly load or credits of each of them)
• rector application completed and signed by you.
• responsible statement of veracity of documents completed and signed by you.
If the documents are issued in a language other than Catalan, Spanish, English, Italian, French or Portuguese, photocopy of the official translation into Catalan or Spanish.
Official translations can be done:
• By a sowrn translator/interpreter, duly authorized or registered in Spain.
• For any diplomatic representation or consultation of the Spanish State.
Document to be downloaded in case you are selected
* What is a university-specific degree?
According to regulations of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), most European universities offer university-specific degrees. In Spain, according to article 2(g) of the Organic Law on Universities [Ley Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades], the government allows Spanish universities to independently issue university-specific diplomas and degrees. This enables the University to add to the official training it offers, these so-called university-specific degree.
University-specific degrees are specialized courses with various names (master’s degree, postgraduate degree, etc.). They are designed to flexibly meet the needs that arise in the job market and society, so they are aimed at achieving objectives such as:
Therefore, the Specialization Diploma in Fetal Cardiology is an official University-specific degree, issued by the University of Barcelona through its institute for continuous education (IL3). This degree certifies that the participant has received specialized training in fetal cardiology.
What is the difference between university-specific degrees and official degrees from universities?
The main difference between the two is that official degrees require a series of procedures and assessments by different public bodies such as the National Agency for the Assessment of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA), which are necessary in order to grant a PhD, while University-specific degrees do not need to be validated by institutions such as ANECA.
What validity does a university-specific degree have outside of Spain?
A university-specific degree has the same validity inside or outside of Spain, since it is a curricular degree for unregulated studies, approved by university boards under the Organic Law on Universities, which credits the student’s continuing education.
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) qualifies a program as a Postgraduate Degree when the required workload to achieve the learning objectives is >30 ECTS.
The ECTS credits are used and accepted effectively by all European universities, and also by many other institutions around the world.
What is not a university-specific degree?
Things to take into account before pre-registration
In order to validate a degree certificate awarded by a university or center of higher education abroad, it is necessary to carry out specific procedures to verify the existence of the institution that issued the degree, and studies that have been completed, with legalization or apostille of foreign documents.
Information on legalization or apostille procedures should be obtained from the university at which previous studies were completed, consular services from the country of issue, or the competent authority in each case. For more information, also access the webpage of the University of Barcelona:
If you need to contact us, you can:
Module 1
Advanced echocardiographyModule 2
Septal defectsModule 3
Left CHDModule 4
Right CHDModule 5
Conotruncal AnomaliesModule 6
Complex CHD / Other cardiac anomaliesModule 7
Vascular / Venous system anomaliesModule 8
Fetal arrhythmias and Fetal Cardiac TherapyModule 9
Fetal heart adaptation to extra-cardiac conditions / Novel technologiesModule 10
Research projectThere are 2 possible types of project:
A systematic literature review on a current topic covered during the course program.
Original research in your own field.
There are 2 possible types of project:
A systematic literature review on a current topic covered during the course program.
Original research in your own field.
Fetal I+D Academic Direction and Supervision
Eduard Gratacós
Director of BCNatal (Hospital Clínic Barcelona and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona), and full Professor at the University of Barcelona.
Expert in Fetal Medicine and Fetal Surgery, he has participated in the design of new techniques and procedures, and has performed over 1800 fetal interventions.
Editor-in-Chief of Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy journal.
Coordinator of more than 150 onsite and online courses, postgraduate and master’s degrees, and the Erasmus Mundus international doctorate for the European Commission.
Coordinator of >60 national and international research projects, director of 39 doctoral theses, and author of more than 485 articles published in indexed journal with an impact factor.
Francesc Figueras
Head of the Department of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Hospital Clinic (Barcelona) and Full Professor of the University of Barcelona.
Master’s Degree in Research Methodology for Health Sciences by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Postgraduate degree in Public Health by the University of Edinburgh.
Research lines in Fetal Growth Restriction and Preeclampsia: author of ~260 articles in indexed journals (~760 Impact Factor). h-Factor 59. Author of 15 book chapters, and Editor of 6 published books.
Invited speaker to more than 200 international congresses and conferences.
Director of 14 PhD Thesis Projects.
Principal Investigator of 10 public-funded competitive research projects.
Directors and scientific committee
Olga Gómez
Since 2008, Olga Gómez is a member of the Fetal Pathology and Cardiology Units at BCNatal, a referral center in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Hospitals Clinic and Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, and of the Fetal Medicine Research Center (Fetal i+D), a multidisciplinary team with one of the largest scientific international productions.
She is currently Coordinator of the Fetal Cardiology Unit, one of the largest reference units for evaluation of cardiac anomalies in Spain, with more than 100 major confirmed cardiac defects yearly. With a broad background in fetal medicine, and particularly in advanced fetal ultrasound and echocardiography, in recent years her research has focused on functional echocardiographic evaluation of congenital heart disease. In 2014, she spent a year as a research fellow in the Pediatric Cardiology Division at SickKids Hospital, in Toronto Canada.
Olga Gómez is also an Associate Professor of Obstetrics at the University of Barcelona. She has participated as speaker in more than 70 courses and seminars on fetal pathology and echocardiography and has been involved in different clinical research projects. As a result of her professional activity, she has authored more than 65 papers published in indexed journals, and she has directed two doctoral theses.
Fàtima Crispi
Fàtima Crispi is senior consultant at the Fetal Cardiology Unit in BCNatal (Hospital Clínic and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu), Scientific Coordinator of the BCNatal Fetal Medicine Research Center, and Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona.
Academic Editor at PlosONE and Scientific Reports journal.
Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist in Fetal Cardiology, leading the Fetal Programming Research Line at BCNatal, with more than 180 peer-reviewed papers and h-index of 41.
Director of 13 PhD theses.
Josep Mª Martinez
Josep Ma Martinez PhD, MD, is a Physician, Senior Consultant in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Head of Fetal Medicine, and Coordinator of Fetal Medicine and Therapy at BCNatal (Hospital Clínic and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu).
He has almost 20 years of experience and 2000 fetal surgery procedures. Director of 4 doctoral theses, he has published more than 150 scientific articles in international journals with and impact factor and is a regular scientific reviewer for the main international and national journals in his specialty.
He has been a speaker more than 400 times at courses, conferences, and congresses. He is also Professor at the University of Barcelona.
Scientific Coordinator
Laura Nogué
Laura Nogué is a Specialist Physician in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.
She focuses her work primarily on the Fetal Echocardiography Unit. She is a pre-doctoral researcher in fetal cardiology within the BCNatal research group, where she has published several scientific articles in international journals with an impact factor.
Additionally, she participates as a scientific coordinator and speaker in Fetal i + D courses.
Mar Bennasar
Mar Bennasar is a Maternal-Fetal Consultant of the Department of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at BCNatal (Hospital Clínic and Hospital Sant Joan de Déu of Barcelona).
She is specialized in fetal cardiology and fetal therapy, with more than 15 years of experience.
She has published more than 40 scientific papers in international journals. She usually participates in national and international courses and congresses as faculty member.
Narcís Masoller
Narcís Masoller is a senior specialist in the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Department at Hospital Clínic, Barcelona.
He focuses most of his daily activity in the Fetal Cardiology, Fetal Neurosonography and Placental and Myometrial Pathology Units.
Doctor in Medicine by the University of Barcelona, he has published more than 20 scientific articles in international journals with an impact factor and has participated as a teacher in numerous courses and conferences.