Postgraduate in Fetal Medicine – India

Broadly, the concept of fetal medicine can be defined as the set of preventive and/or interventional actions carried out on the fetus during gestation.

The fetal medicine specialist works, in collaboration with other experts, with the aim of improving the health and well-being of both the mother-fetus pair during pregnancy and childbirth. This is achieved through early diagnosis, counseling, and treatment of complications directly affecting the fetus, as well as collecting samples for medical examinations (such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling) or performing intrauterine procedures aimed at offering the fetus a better life expectancy.

The increase in available information on fetal pathology, research, and the growing technological development has increased proficiency in managing maternal-fetal complications and requires healthcare professionals to have increasingly specialized mastery and knowledge in the field.

Objective Audience

Healthcare professionals specialized in gynecology and obstetrics, with a minimum experience in maternal-fetal medicine, who wish to undergo a high-level update and in-depth training to enhance their daily practice.

Más información

Start date: February 2025

Format: Online Sessions, Hands-on practice

Place: On-Site practical sessions in India

Language: English English
